
  • Can I use more than one coupon code on my order?

    At this time, only one promotion (coupons, free shipping vouchers, promo codes) can be applied per order.
  • Do you have any coupon codes?

    Yes, if you sign up to our newsletter on the bottom of our homepage you will receive an email with a coupon code.
  • Is your payment method safe?

    Yes! Please rest assured that SilkSilky will warrant that your information including the sensitive information submitted by you is protected both online and off-line. While you are making the payment, the page is secure, encrypted and protected with encryption software, SSL.
  • What do I do if my coupon isn't working?

    If your coupon isn't working, please feel free to get in touch with our Customer Care Team for assistance. Please keep in mind: Only one coupon code can be used per order. Conditions of each promotion vary, so make sure you check the details provided when you receive any codes. Codes may only be...
  • What if I forgot to add my promo code at checkout?

    If you forgot to add your promo code at checkout, please email us at with your order number and offer details. We will work to find the best solution for you!
  • Which payment methods do you accept?

    We offer two payment methods at the moment. Credit Card - VISA, Master Card, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club Paypal However, we reserve the right to offer less than our full range of payment options. For any questions about payment, please feel free to contact with us at services@si...
  • Why was I charged for customs and import duties?

    Your order may be subject to import duties and/or taxes, which are levied once your package reaches your country. Please kindly provide us with the payment receipt and we will compensate our customers for customs charges. The price quote for duties is determined by the destination customs authori...
  • Why was my payment declined?

    If you have trouble paying via credit card: Please check the details of your card information to make sure they are correct, including the expiration date, cardholder name, security code on the back of your card as well as the billing address. Please ensure that you have not reached the card limi...